Thursday, January 29

Awesome Hair

Today at work, we discovered this picture:

This guy's got it all going. The scarf, the scruff, and, most importantly, the hair. This is a guy who would be popular with the ladies. Maybe next time I go get my hair cut, I'll take this picture in so the hair dresser knows what I need.

But the real question is, who is this person? The picture is pretty old, as the image quality and clothing suggests, and subject is famous enough that I know everyone out there would know who he is if I told you. But telling you wouldn't be as much fun. So, time to guess: Who do you think this young rogue is?


Celeste said...

K.C.'s Guess: Antonio Bandito... If you don't know who that is... be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

It's clearly Josef W. Stalin as seen by his favorite scarf which never left his side (or neck if you will). Today this day, you can see the scarf on display in the Kremlin. I thought this was common knowledge.

Alex said...

Ahh, he's got the Edward hair thing going on. Maybe he was a vampire? ;)

alisquire said...

Happy Birthday! So who's the young rogue?

Celeste said...

Happy birthda.... Um this is quite the birthday post Clark. I hope it's not what you're aspiring to be this year. But I hope you have a good day! And Happy birthday from K.C. too.