Tuesday, February 6

Jesus Wants Me for a Top-Pilot!

Too bad I never got to be a Top-Pilot :(

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but here are some of the things that you probably missed out on in primary by being born too late: (with apologies to Lucile and Wendy, to only ones born pre-1970 to yet comment on this blog.)

Seagulls (12 & 13 year old girls), Bluebirds (10 & 11 year old girls) Zion's Boys and Zion's Girls (8 & 9 year olds), Trekker Boys (10 year old boys), Guide Boys (11 year old boys), Larks (9 year old girls), Larks (for youngest Home Builder girls), Co-Pilots (7 year olds), Top-Pilot (8 year olds), Moonbeams (3 year olds), Rainbows (6 year olds), Gaynotes (9 year old girls), Firelights (10 year old girls), Merrihands (11 year old girls

I'm just glad that no little boy was ever subjected to being a gaynote.

Source: LDS.org


Clark said...

A minor note (but since no one else is commenting here) but this was my 100th blog post!

Shanny said...

You made it to 100! Congrats! And I, too, am very glad that they have changed the primary system.

Anonymous said...

I think I was a Moonbeam, back when Primary was on Thursday afternoons. Sunday morning was Jr. Sunday School and then after lunch we went back for Sacrament Mtg. Before y'all were born.

W.L.Platt said...

I still have my Top Pilot Compass Keychain, as passed out circa 1964 (AD). What do you think I could get for it on ebay?

Clark said...

Amazingly, there are no Top Pilot Keychains on ebay. There are no Top Pilot anythings on ebay. Nor can I find anything about them on google. I now officially declare Wendy the only person in the whole world to posess both a Top Pilot Compass Keychain AND internet access.