Friday, February 2


Shannon and I are nerds. Yesterday on gmail chat, Shannon tried to add asterisks around a word to make it *cute* or something, only to discover that this is the gmail method for making a word bold. I suppose true nerds would already have known that, but instead we had to spend the next three minutes putting any and every set of marks around words, looking for more tricks. We tried !excitement!, @email@, #numbers#, $money$, %stats%, ^pointies^, &ands&, {brackets}, [squares], ,commas,, .dots. /slashes/, /more slashes\, =equals=, -minus-, and +pluses+ before we finally stumbled on _lines_ which makes things italicized. I think we can finally rest easy, knowing that we've tried them all.


Alex said...

have you taken the nerd test on my blog? I'm 43% nerdy.

Ben said...

may I correct you in stating, "^carrots^".

Clark said...

Alex, there is no nerd test on your blog. Had there been, I think we all know that I would have taken it immediately.