Friday, February 23

Way down South in Dixie . . .

Last night at the YM basketball game I was refereeing (not a blowout until the 2nd quarter!) the prayer before the game went basically like this: "Thanks for the day, thanks that Dixie won, let us have fun, the end." When I was in high school, I was vaguely aware of whether our basketball team was winning or losing. And my best friend was on the basketball team. Here in San Jorge, people are talking about Dixie High School all the time. During football season, it was mentioned in the Good News Minute in RS at our ward every week the Dixie football team won. People at work discuss the high school sports teams. It's just so weird to me the way the whole community cares about the high school sports.


tysqui said...

I'm not entirely sure why you have such an awareness of the 'good news minute,' but maybe you just love RS?...

Clark said...

Shannon tells me because it strikes her as funny, too.