Wednesday, October 11

The possibilities are endless.

The internet sure does go through fads and phases, doesn't it? Let's teleport back to high school. Little nerdy kids like myself sat around working on our "web pages". Hour after hour of finding cool backgrounds, and collecting quotes for your cool quotes page. Then you went high tech with midis playing in the background and then you went mad trying to figure out to get HTML tables to work right. Then, suddenly, we all realized that we'd spent hundreds of hours of effort into a web page with a bunch of Star Wars quotes that everybody already knows anyway, a dumb bio of a nerdy high school kid, and a counter that read 462. (Of course everybody knew that at least 50% of the hits on any web page was just the owner checking to make sure things were working right.) I had finally realized that there was nothing I had to offer the world that anyone could possibly care about. And thus the web pages were left abandoned.

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