Thursday, November 2

But you can call me . . .

I just got too much of a giggle out of Mark's comment to the last post not to write something about it. Mark's brother's nickname from back in the day was Bun. It makes me laugh just to type it out. (It also kinda reminds me of Mr. Bun, Suzie Derkins stuffed rabbit.) I don't really know how we got away with calling him that for all those years. So here is a further list of nicknames that I find quite ridiculous and which make me giggle. Feel free to add your own, though maybe I'll ask Shannon not to embarrass me too much.

My names: Pants (short for Clarky Pants), Ball, Clarm, Cloark (apparently Alex still uses this one all the time), Eagle Eye, Boy, Flu-Boy-Lump-Head

Shannon: ShannyBoo, Boo, Cave Fish Eye (she came up with that one herself)

Other People: Long Arms Millar (Brett), Disc (Sabrina), _7, (Sabrina), Oaf (Mark), Bun (Eric)

Grand Prize Winners: I almost feel bad to put these ones up here, but when you put it on your blog for the whole world to see, you're just asking for it. The prize goes to Alex and Ben whose names for each other are Booboo and Poopy.


Alex said...

You said grand prize winner so... what's our prize? I think we should get some of those hotdog mummuies!!!

Clark said...

We've got a hotdog mummy waiting for you. It'll be here until you come to pick it up.

Anonymous said...

I had completely forgotten about flu-boy-lump-head. It made me laugh so hard. Also, you forgot Clank, Clunk, etc. Oh, and Hike!!!!