Tuesday, November 21

It's like it's trying to speak to me.

While out driving, Shannon and I saw a license plate:
If you have any ideas as to what this could possibly mean, we'd love to hear them.


Alex said...

Wow, its like playing MadGab by yourself!

Ben said...

Grand Canyon Point?

Melissa said...

"Guard Captain" like he is in the National Guard and he is a Captain?

Melissa said...

Oops! Right letter in there but the wrong order. Of course, with the way I spell, it could still be captain. Canpait? Cantaip? Catnip?

Suzanne said...

What kind of car was it? Some times that helps.

Best license plate I ever saw was BNFLDS5.

Clark said...

It was some sort of big truck, I believe.

Suzanne said...

"Great concept?" That's all I got.