Sunday, November 19

Hot Zippity!

The next time you are entertaining guests, make them some Hot Zippity Tomato Dill Drink! Here's the recipe (from the Lion House Recipes book).

1 can (46 ounces) tomato juice
4 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
3 dashes Tabasco sauce
1/2 cup dill pickle juice
1/3 cup lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in saucepan. Bring mixture to a boil. Let stand awhile to develop flavors. Taste to correct seasonings. Beverage may be served hot or cold. Garnish with chopped chives or a dollop of sour cream, if desired. Makes 7 cups, about 12 servings.

I can't even think of where to begin, so I'll just let this recipe speak for itself.


Alex said...

pickle juice?...ew

Mark said...

I think that is really actually healthy. I know marathon runners that live on that stuff. But still....ew.

Shanny said...

Oh, you found my favorite recipe! I'm glad you like it. Guess what's for dinner?

Ben said...

Can you say "Spicy V8"?