Wednesday, April 4

Google Reader

A few weeks ago, discovered Google reader, much to my initial delight. The idea is great. Rather than spending hours each day checking every one's blogs to see if they've updated (which I used to do compulsively about once an hour) Google reader checks the blogs for you, and puts all the new posts on one easy screen that you can read all together. The idea is great, and it's from Google! It's got to be marvelous! Actually, I've been disappointed.

Mostly, it's slow. I don't really know how all these RSS do-dads work, but when I post something on my own blog, it takes the better part of the day before it shows up on Google reader. So when I'm bored, I still check blogs manually anyway. Sometimes I get comments to an entry that show up before the entry itself does. And I only get the comments out of context. But I'm so lazy, I keep using Google reader.

Also, I think my commenting is down, because I don't visit the actual blogs.


Matt said...

There's an rss aggregator that plugs into firefox that is much better than google reader, and you can force it to update automatically. That's how I read all of your blogs.

tysqui said...

I can attest to the commenting issue, because I think I comment less as well. That's why I only publish the first paragraph to RSS feeds - in order to force people to my blog, which inflates my stats. But because you mentioned it - here's your comment.

Clark said...

Tell me more about this thing you speak of.

Matt said...

The add-on is called sage.

Matt said...

The really cool thing about sage is that if you click on the blog in the top pane it gives a summary page, but if you click on an individual post in the bottom pane you get directed to the actual post page. (good for commenting)

Matt said...

You given me a great comp nerd thread to comment about. I should also point out that an rss aggragator is built in to IE7. (Good luck getting it to work properly)