Friday, April 6

Matt: A Sage (not Google) Reader

At Matt's suggestion, I'm trying out Sage. The early verdict is that it is superior to Google Reader. It does the work for you, but still encourages you to look at the post on the actual site, thus fostering commenting. And it catches updates much faster than Google Reader. I'd tell you how much faster, but Google Reader still isn't picking up things that I know have been there since this morning. On the down side, you can put things in folders to shorten up your list, but if the folder is closed to save you space, you can't see if anything in it has been updated. Silly. The other tricky thing is that clicking on a blog in the Sage window will take you there in your current browser window, which has resulted in me logging out of Gmail a half dozen times unintentionally. Oh, and if you're looking at a site, Sage will find the feeds for you automatically. Good job, Matt.

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