Thursday, January 10


It's not just for pregnant ladies!

You know how days all tend to blur together? Yesterday, Shannon and I went to a doctors appointment scheduled at 3pm. I went to work a bit early and just left for the day before the appointment. At about 3:45 as we were still waiting, I noticed that I was getting hungry. It was then that I realized that I wasn't sure if I had eaten lunch that day or not. I really wasn't sure. After thinking for a minute or two, I decided that I probably hadn't. I considered calling work to ask someone to check the fridge for my lunch, but decided it wasn't necessary.

We've known for some time now that I was capable of forgetting to eat, but as it turns out, I can not only forget, but even when reminded, I may have difficulty remember whether I've eaten or not!


Sabrina said...

I will never understand how you forgot to eat. I sometimes don't eat if I'm busy, but I am fully aware that I haven't.

Clark said...

Don't worry folks, I ate lunch today.

Ben said...

I can't forget to eat at work. Everyone here's always got the food going on in the office (not the break room) and it smells of Chinese and popcorn all the time. I'm also fully aware when Alex hasn't eaten. It's some sort of evil aura that sinks in around her.

Alex said...

heeheehee... yeah, hungry Alex = run for your lives!!!

Suzanne said...

I can totally understand because I often forget to drink.