Tuesday, January 1

Happy New Year

It's been a while since my last post. I would like to site various reasons:

Christmas, travel, puking, vomiting, ralphing, spewing, hurling, tossing cookies, upchucking and yakking.

If you'd like to take count that is one alternative word for each time Sunday that my stomach attempted to turn itself inside out. So as to not mislead the public, I will clarify that these 8 events were grouped into two trips to the bathroom Sunday morning, not 8 separate trips. But, as the 8 individual attempts at gastrointestinal suicide represent an eight fold increase over the previous decade combined, I felt them worth of individual attention. I puked exactly once in November of 2001, the result of a very memorable potato salad and home-made mayonnaise. Prior to that, it had been sometime in high school. And so, my streak begins anew.

Shannon, Sabrina and Adie were also sick and threw up from the same disease. It put a bit of a damper on our new years, but we managed to have a good time anyway. Here's hoping that 2008 will be filled with less vomit than 2007, both of us, and for each and every one of you!


PrincessKatie said...

I love your description. Too funny! Thanks for the laugh!

Alex said...

gastrointestinal suicide? Nice one! However, I still think intestinal fortitude is your best stomach-y made up word as of yet! :)