Wednesday, January 23

Kicked Out!

I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. I've never been good at it. I'm close friends with my snooze button, and I periodically have to physically move my alarm clock to force myself to wake up before I turn it off. (It's amazing what I can learn to do in my sleep!) (Sisters: feel free to not comment on that.)

Lately, however, there's been a new impetous to get me out of bed in the morning. As I lie there, trying to sleep for just a few minutes longer, it's like I can feel myself getting pushed out of bed. Well, really, it's more like a kick right in the kidneys. Check that, it is exactly like a kick in the kidneys. Who would be so mean as to kick me in the kidneys repeatedly, day after day, until I finally relent and get out of bed?



Alex said...

When I was @ BYU I had to put my alarm clock on the very top of the closet. That still didn't work very well... my roomies have told me that many times I just got up, shut it off and went right back to sleep... to this day I have zero recollection of any of that. I even went as far as writing huge neaon signs saying stuff like, "Alex, WAKE UP! DON'T YOU DARE GO BACK TO BED!" Yeah... those didn't work either... woops!

PrincessKatie said...

LOL this cracks me up everytime I read it! Nice seeing you today. Can't wait to see that new little one.