Tuesday, January 8

No More Sports

I watched the last college football game of the year last night. (Really, it was the last game of last year, but that's not the point here.) The game was fine, but did not live up to the massive expectations we tend to put on championship games. Championship games rarely live up to the crazy expectations we put on them. College football is now over until the fall. College basketball is somewhat boring, unless it's March. The NBA is in the middle of a long season. The NFL is boring, and plays on Sundays. So, I've come up with a bold idea: No sports until March.

That's right, I plan to not watch sports until March. Now the caveats. I am allowed to watch sports center. I know, that may seem like watching sports, but it's not. I don't watch much sports center any more anyway, precisely because they don't show sports anymore. Sports Center has become filled up with 10 minute pieces of "all access" to some schools basketball team, and rarely touches on any sporting even that involves any team within 500 miles of where I live. My second allowance is that I can pause on sporting events long enough to become appraised of the score. Along with checking scores and standings on the internet, this will allow me to be plugged in enough that I will know what is going on when I tune back in to sports in March.

I expect two extra bonuses from my early Lent sports abstinence. First, loads of time will be freed up for other, more important things. Secondly, by not watching a single NCAA basketball game until March, I am all but assured of winning any and every bracket pool that I enter.


Ben said...

what... no ghetto.. I mean basketball?

Adam Lowe said...

How is the NFL boring? There have been some awesome games this year. And the Patriots are always doing something tricky.