Wednesday, April 16

10:30pm -- We've got the epidural! It turns out that it really wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. Not as immediately effective as people make it out to be. Shannon's got the shakes pretty bad, is nauseated, and did throw up once. (Hopefully that isn't a prelude of things to come.) The epidural's been in 15 minutes or so, and is being fairly effective. It wouldn't be fair to say Shannon isn't feeling any pain anymore, but it has at least dropped from the 6 range to perhaps the 4 range. It should keep subsiding as the epidural continues to take effect. She just got checked again and is still dilated to 3cm. The earliest they would start the pitocin would be 11pm, as they want to wait 4 hours since the last dose of the cytotec.

As a side note, I wish I had a counter on my blog tonight, because I'd be racking up the hits! We appreciate everyone's concern and comments! (13 comments in the last 12 hours alone!)

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