Thursday, April 17

11:50pm -- Shannon is dilated to 4cm and just started a very low dose of pitocin. Wombsly's heart rate drops somewhat with each contraction, and they don't want to turn that into a big problem with lots of pitocin (which ramps up the contractions to move things along). Things are pretty well numb, or that's what I gather, since Shannon will ask me if she is having a contraction. (I can see the numbers from the monitors easier.) We're going to try to get some rest so we have some energy when things start getting exciting again.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

They put me on a little oxygen while I was laboring away with Stewart. Then I discovered that somehow I was better oxygenated when I lay on my side instead of my back. Don't know if it would work for you, but it sure did for me. By the way, cute picture! Tell Shannon she looks good in green! Hang in there! Can't wait to see her!