Wednesday, April 16

9:15pm -- Shannon is increasingly uncomfortable. I guess contractions will do that to you. She rates her pain at a 6/10. Shannon is still chugging a long pretty well, considering. She's dilated to about a 3. She's had some broth and jello to keep her going, but we all know that a hungry Shannon is not a happy Shannon.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Shannon!! We are praying for you.
This is not called "labor" for nothing!!!

The good news is that it is not called "delivery" for nothing either!!!

Love, Aunt Jeanette

Nathan said...

You have my prayers. I'll check back later to see how things are going. How exciting this all is!

Anonymous said...


Judy Simpson called and told me to look on this blog. I'm so glad that she did!

I was induced with all my babies! It took a long time and gave a new meaning to the word patience. Too bad patience isn't something that you can hurry up and learn.

I know that there are angels watching over you, Wombsley and Clark.

Love, Grethe

Holly said...

Hey guys, it's Holly. I'm leaving to AZ tomorrow morning, but Mark will be here all weekend (just in case you should need a Wii fix or something.) OK, seriously though. I'm praying for you and hoping she comes soon!! I'll check the blog in the morning before I leave. We love you guys!!!