Wednesday, April 16

6:45pm -- The OB came and checked Shannon. She is dilated to 2cm, 80% effaced, and the baby is sitting at -2. (This is a measure of how low the baby is in the pelvis, where positive numbers mean the baby is deeper in the pelvis.) We'll be doing a third dose of cytotec in just a few minutes. Then waiting for a few more hours. Hopefully the cytotec puts her in real labor and things progress more quickly. If they don't, we'll switch to pitocin to help out. Regardless, it looks quite unlikely that Wombsly will be making her appearance any time soon, or before midnight. It looks like we may need to be thinking about trying to get some sleep so we can be of some utility tonight when the real action starts.


Kim said...

So... I'm guessing we will no longer have to call the baby Wombsley at 1:43am.

Patrick's guess is 11:59pm

P.S. Patrick has joined the dark side and is now playing World of Warcraft.

PrincessKatie said...

HOpefully things wills peed up IF not do try to get some rest you might have a long night ahead of you.

Randi said...

Good luck! The Conrad family is rooting for you guys! We have been watching the blog all day, thanks for the updates!
Jade and Randi