Thursday, October 19

A whole post on Wires

You've looked at wires before, right? Some end of a wire that has come unattached to some electrical equipment or something. If you've looked closely, perhaps you noticed that your little tiny wire is actually made of about a dozen even tinier wires. One of my tasks today is to take some of those tiny little wires and use little gobs of liquid metal to attach them to a little square of germanium. Grant is currently out getting me a pair of tweezers so I can actually hold onto the wires (because of course I'm wearing latex gloves while doing all of this). The wires get hot when I get them into the liquid metal on the end of the burning hot iron, and because they're so small, they get hot quickly! By the end of today I need to get a good electrical connection out of them, and make some decent measurements! So wish me luck in my fight with the hair-thin, burning hot, wire wrangling rodeo!


Shanny said...


Ben said...

Just say solder, okay!