Wednesday, March 14

Come back in 10 weeks

Most of the time on American Idol this year will be spent on the 10 week competition for 3rd place. As we were watching last night, there were several times that someone came on screen and I seriously asked Shannon, "Who is that? Why have I never seen them before?" Other contestants are actually being deleted from my consciousness. (Brandon, Chris R., Jordin, Stephanie) Other Idol comments:
  • I'm officially on the "Sanjaya needs to go, NOW" bandwagon. I've never seen someone with that good a voice be that bad on stage. Repeatedly. He lacks all attributes to be a singer, except singing talent.
  • In my opinion, Chris Sligh and Gina (Rocker Girl) are in the lead for the 3rd place trophy. Mostly because I can still remember who they are. The judges (i.e. Simon) tried real hard to make the show interesting be declaring that the final singer (I think it was Stephanie?) had made it a three way race. He was lying.
  • I think the producers of Idol have to be running around like trying trying to figure out how to make the next 10 weeks interesting, before we have the big Lakisha/Melinda show down.
  • I didn't realize how many Diana Ross songs there are, and how good she is. Even the Land Before Time song!


W.L.Platt said...

I also like Chris Sligh (listen to Simon, put your glasses back on!) and Gina. But I think I like the beat box guy even better. He got robbed last night - he deserved better comments. On the other hand, I can't immediately come up with his name, so maybe that says something. But can we please dump Sanjaya immediately!? He makes me glad I have TiVo: Fast Forward!

Alex said...

The last contestant was Jordin. I actually like her, she's cute. No Lakisha/Melinda, but she has an incredible voice and control for a 17 yr old. And she's not all awkward on stage like Sanjaya... sheesh. "A wail in Hollywood was heard..."

Alex said...

Blake Lewis is his name.

Sabrina said...

I didn't know about the Land Before Time song either. I am pulling for Melinda though. She's incredible!

Nathan said...

I can't believe how through I actually am with LaKisha. And I'm one of the VERY rare people that is growing tired of Melinda's humble attitude. That doesn't belong in the top twelve. Sanjaya, well, he makes me laugh, if only because the guy on has some really really funny things to say about him. It's Jordin and Gina for me. More Amy Lee please.

Shanny said...

I'm definitely a Lakisha/Melinda girl. And I find it funny that after Blake sang a 311 song, the judges commented on how they had never heard the song before. One of the few songs that I actually know, and the judges have never heard it. We obviously listen to different radio stations.

W.L.Platt said...

If it's true you can't complain if you don't vote, I guess I should keep quiet. But really, I do wonder who is out there voting for Sanjaya. Is it the deaf community? Hairdressers of America? Can his family possibly be that big? We are plagued for another week.

Shanny said...

I'll tell you who is voting for Sanjaya - these fools!