Friday, March 30


I've been meaning to post various things the last few days, but have simply been too busy to do it. So rather than long rants, you'll be limited to short ones:

- Everyone in Provo is all worked up about the VP speaking at commencement. The complaint is "we don't like him. He doesn't represent BYU. His values don't live up to the university's." My response: so what? You're right he doesn't represent BYU. That's why they're not hiring him to teach there, just to give one speech. You don't like him? Boo hoo. We all know that just because he's there doesn't mean 100% of people affiliated with the university like him. If we thought that, we'd also believe that UVSC is the most liberal school in the world for bringing in Michael Moore. Besides, he's there for a commencement speech, which will be the usual sort of "Yay. Rah. You can change the world." This is not a republican party fund raiser. These days the world feels that it is in appropriate to do anything that anyone might disagree with. So apparently the commencement speaker should give the most bland speech possible, and should not be any sort of public figure that anyone could have anything to dislike.

- "NeverEnding Story" is a pretty weird movie. But on the upside, Deep Roy plays the Teeney Weeney with the racing snail.

- Sanjaya wasn't even in the bottom 3. This still boggles my mind. And Hailey by any other name would still be just as bad a singer.

1 comment:

Adam Lowe said...

If I were at BYU, I'd probably be protesting. (Assuming I could work up the energy to care.)

Being known as the most stone-cold sober school in America is a badge of honor. But being known as the last remaining school in America where Dick Cheney could count on a warm welcome, not so much.