Tuesday, December 5

Truly a Sight to Behold.

First off, the spellcheck and formatting buttons are back. All is once again right in the world.

My car has a tachometer, which has been mostly broken for years now. Mostly broken, meaning that it works about 5 to 10 percent of the time and there's no telling when it will suddenly come to life or when it will revert back to it's preferred dormant state. It happened to be on the other day, functioning as if nothing were ever wrong, but then, moments later, I noticed that it is now semi-permanently pegged at about 8,500 rpm. I think it red lines at 5,500 and the gauge stops at 7,000, but there is my needle, pointing nearly straight down in the neighborhood of where 8,500 would be. My theory is that as I was getting onto the freeway the other day, I got the engine up to at least 3,500 rpm while the tach was working, and it chose that point to poop out on me. 3,500 is an important number, because that is the vertical point on the gauge, and if the needle was beyond 3,500 and it cut out then the needle falls off the high end of the scale, rather than dropping back to zero. So from here on out, I'm apparently driving a race car, even if I'm in the parking lot.

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