Thursday, January 11

Higher Standards Needed!

There are some things that it doesn't make a lot of sense to skimp on. Education, new socks and enchilada sauce come to mind immediately. (All experiences with store brand enchilada sauce have ended poorly.) But I'd like to add another one to that list: life saving personnel. I've previously commented on the "ammediate" problem I had with our CPR instructor at work. Well, it turns out that the whole system seems to be a bit questionable. I got my card today that let's people know that I'm qualified to crack their ribs in an effort to save their life (because they usually ask for ID) and there at the bottom in the fine print the card clearly states: "Tampering with this card will alter its appearance." Thanks, I'll try and remember that one.


Nathan said...

I appreciate you reminding me why I don't blog. My lack of creativity (very clear when you see my transparent pseudonym) would make my "clever remarks" appear as an incredible display of stupidity.

W.L.Platt said...

In honor of anti-lurking week, I am chiming in with another item for your list of things not to skimp on: volleyballs. Mike called me a few days before Christmas to find out which volleyball to buy for Jana. I asked what store he was in and he said "Target." Wrong store. Wrong price range. I am hoping he took my advice and went to a sporting goods store where he spent around $50. And this is coming from a McAnderson.
-Shannon's Aunt Wendy

Adam Lowe said...

Here, here.

My best friend and I went in together on a $75 volleyball in high school and it was money well spent.

That was 13 years ago and we still fight over whose house it should live at.

Shanny said...

Amanda, come on, have you read my blog? It's as stupid as they come!

Sabrina said...

You have problems with store bought enchilada sauce? You have to get the green kind. That stuff is very, very tasty :)