Friday, January 19

New Dude in the Ward

We've got a new couple in our ward, and since Shannon hasn't blogged this and it's been nearly a week, I'm taking it for myself. I haven't seen or met the wife yet, but he husband, like most people in our ward, has recently retired and splits time between his home up north and here in St. George. Oh, and he's got a white suit coat that he's not going to get to wear as much in St. George as he did back in SLC . . . .


Alex said...

The weather guy??? I can't remember his name or even what channel he was on but I remember the white suit coat that came out when there was going to be snow!!!

Suzanne said...

You should totally hang out with him! You could talk about nerdy things.

Melissa said...

Mark Snowbank?

Sabrina said...

Yay! Shanny told me about this. The next time we come to your ward I might just have to go shake his hand.

Unknown said...

Shannon and Sabrina will appreciate this. When I told Janet Packham that Mark Eubank and his wife were in Shannon & Clark's ward in St. George, she said, "Oh. The Eubanks were in the same ward as Steve and I when we were first married and lived in Hunter." It always amazes me what a small world it is in the Church.dalrymple