Wednesday, January 3


A recent post on Big Pickles provides a link to What Does 200 Calories Look Like? wherein someone has taken pictures of 200 Calorie portions of food. (It's Calorie, not calorie, but that's for another day.) But there, on the 13th row, first picture on the left is "Corn Bran Cereal". But unless mine eyes deceive me, it's not just corn bran cereal, and it's not just any corn bran cereal, it's Crunchy Corn Bran Cereal!!! Oh how I find myself craving it right now.


Suzanne said...

Oh, I love Crunchy Corn Bran! It must be the only cereal with "bran" in the name that kids will eat. I wish I had a box right now.

Melissa said...

I believe mom said that Crunchy Corn Bran cereal was Clark's first big person food. Just took it right out of her bowl one day. Have to admit, I was surprised to see it on the list. Not really one of those "regular" cereals like Corn Flakes or Cheerios.

Suzanne said...

There's a joke to be made about bran, and the word "regular." But I leave it to you.

Ben said...

I can't wait to hear about "calorie" vs. "Calorie". (yes I know why).