Tuesday, January 9

No show

I almost don't want to post, because I want to see just how many comments my previous post can get (7! And I haven't even made one of them!) but I can't not mention my attempts at watching football last night.

I tried to watch the big game last night. Shannon knew ahead of time that it was going to be on. We had dinner and FHE before the game was set to start and everything was primed. I turned the TV on and waited and waited for a football game to start. It never happened. Apparently Ohio State forgot when the game was, because they forgot to show up. I've actually seen tackling dummies make more plays than that. So, another 41-14 throttling in a bowl game. (Remember LSU vs. Notre Lame)

In other sporting news, #3 Michigan lost badly to USC and dropped to #9. #1 OSU lost badly to #2 Florida and dropped to #2. This is not suprising in any way, because there is an understood rule that no one would drop OSU lower than 2 no matter how badly they played. I also would like to congratulate one man in New Mexico that had the courage to cast his first place vote for the only undefeated team in college football. Unfortunately they finished 5th, behind two teams that had a pair of losses.


Suzanne said...

Don't forget that USA Today has BYU at #15!

That was an awesome game last night. Yay Urban Meyer! (Aren't you glad he left the U?)

Sabrina said...

I'm not glad Urban Meyer left the U :( But, he really is an awesome coach and I was happy to see Florida kick some serious trash.