Tuesday, January 30

Is the New

A while ago, Adam brought us an update on the quickly changing world around us. As it turns out, nearly everything is the new something else. Today Shannon and I found another one, from the Chicago Times Sun (or whatever that paper is). As it turns out Breast-Feeding is the new Labor. The article is actually pretty dumb (don't bother reading it). The whole point is just to say that gone are the days when women got together to complain and tell horror stories about labor. Now it's all breast-feeding woes.

Personally, I'm waiting for the new "is the new". I'm thinking that soon the world will switch to "wouldn't be caught dead in" so that we can finally say, "'Wouldn't be caught dead in' is the new 'is the new'." Or, more correctly, "'Wouldn't be caught dead in' wouldn't be caught dead in 'is the new'."

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